Perfect Surgeon

Perfect Surgeon

퍼펙트 써전, PFS
When he was a child, his father was said to have died from a car accident. But what actually caused his death was ‘Medical Negligence’. Ever since that, his dream was to become a ‘Perfect Doctor’ that would never deny or mistreat a patient. However, reality was harsh. His mother was inflicted with an incurable disease, which required a lot of money. He quit his university hospital internship and became a sell-out dermatologist. While he had stopped in his tracks due to the harshness of reality, a state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence, ‘A.I. – Ronnie’, came to him. And thus, his journey to become a perfect doctor started once again.
Type: Manhwa
Status: Ongoing
Authors: KyungSeok 경석
Updated: July 18, 2024, 10:37 p.m.
Views: 3.0 M