The Dismissed Dark Soldier's Slow Second Life

The Dismissed Dark Soldier's Slow Second Life

Dali Air, a dark soldier who is in the Demon King's army but does not use magic, climbed up to the position of the four heavenly king's assistants with his own intelligence and mobility. However, as soon as the four kings were replaced, Dali Air was fired. The disappointed Dali Air was wandering in the forest and accidentally encountered a girl who was attacked by a monster! Dalair, who saved the girl, came down to the village of humanity after the girl's "hospitality". Dali Li'er, who wanted to slip away before revealing that he was a demon, stayed under the girl's request and began the adventurer's journey. "It's not that I don't want to refuse, it's that she is too big <br> <br> 身在魔王军却不会使用魔法的暗黑士兵达利艾尔,以自己的才智和行动力爬上了四天王辅佐之位大显身手。然而在四天王刚一换代,达利艾尔就被解雇了。大失所望的达利艾尔彷徨在森林中,无意间遇到了一名被怪物袭击的少女!拯救了少女的达利艾尔在少女的“盛情招待”下来到了人类的村子。本想在暴露自己是魔族之前溜之大吉的达利利艾尔却在少女的“请求”下留下来开始了冒险者之路。「不是我不想拒绝,是她实在太大了」
Type: Manhwa
Status: Ongoing
Authors: Updating
Updated: June 15, 2020, 9:40 a.m.
Views: 80 K